Day 5 of mission. The poverty of some of the local people is evident in these photos. The crowds were better controlled today and the clinic is running smoothly. We saw 328 people today- more than any other day. We have now run out of sunglasses which we were using for people with pterygiums - a growth of the conjunctiva onto the cornea resulting from sun UV exposure. We have well surpassed our expected 1000 patients and have 1 more day to go.

Ken got to move from the visual acuity station to the optical area. Ralph has been working in the refracting lanes, interpreting Spanish for the Danish optometrists. Katya and Andria are mainly working in the visual acuity or frame selection areas. I am checking ocular health. The people are very appreciative of the help they are receiving. Ken even got a kiss on the cheek today from an 80-year old woman.

It surprises me how some of these people have been able to cope with the level of poor vision they have. For some, receiving their first-ever pair of glasses will completely change their lives.

The mission team enjoyed a cruise up and down the Rio Guayas this evening on the Henry Morgan, a restored Spanish galleon. The city is beautifully lit in the dark.
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